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Research Department -

Research Project Review

Research Project Review (RPR) is a service offered by the Research Department. It consists in providing external advice to bachelor/master/PhD students about their research projects, also for grant applications (always research-related).


Specifically, to take advantage of the RPR service, you should prepare a word document respecting the following points:

  • maximum length: 1000 words (approximately 2 pages with font size 12 and line spacing 1,5);

  • specify what the research project is for (e.g., bachelor thesis, PhD project, etc);

  • after a brief introduction describing the framework and the hypotheses, you should provide as many details as possible concerning the experimental design and the methods;

  • for grants, you can send us the specific application form (already filled in).


You will receive a feedback in 15 days; please, be aware of this time interval in case you have a deadline to respect. Projects must be sent to and, with email subject “ENYSSP Research Project Review”.

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