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Education Map


M.A. in Sport Psychology

(Master in Psihologia Sportului)

General aspects

Attainment level (B.Sc. M.Sc. PhD): M.A.

Name Organisation/University: Titu Maiorescu University (Bucharest)

Address: Waterfront Building, 19 Neptune Quay, IP4 1QJ Ipswich

Country: Calea VăcăreÅŸti nr.187, Sector 4, 004051, BucureÅŸti, Romania


Organizational aspects

Number of spots: 50

Costs/tuition fee: 1000 € per year

Start of the program: 1st October

Application period: 2nd-27th September

Language of tuition: Romanian

Admittance of foreign students: yes

Study duration/Workload (ECTS): 4 semesters (2 years), 120 Credit Points

Study structure/mode: full-time

Practical internship (yes/no): No

Formal supervision (yes/no): No


Additional aspects

Target group and Study focus:

The M.A. in Sport Psychology focuses on the applied practice of sport psychology and psychodiagnosis addressing mainly elite sport. The course will provide the foundational academic knowledge and skills necessary to pursue a career in applied fields. The programme targets graduates with degrees in Psychology, Physical Education and Sport Science. 


What to do afterwards, jobs perspectives:

Master graduates can either pursue further study as PhD candidates or work towards their accreditation as an applied practitioner ( for further details). Applied practitioners will be providing performance and personal development or counselling to clients ranging from recreational to national and international elite athletes, as well as organizations (corporate or sport). Apart from self-employment, potential employers are National Governing Bodies and various professional sport clubs.


Entry Requirements:
  • Bachelor degree in a related field of study (Psychology, Physical Education, Sport Science or Communication)

  • Motivational interview

  • Romanian language proficiency-B1 level or equivalent for foreign students in accordance with the European Reference Framework for Languages (ROU).


How to apply:

IN-PERSON only during the application period.


Additional materials

Additional materials
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