Education Map
Postgraduate specialist training program
in Sport Psychology
General aspects
Attainment level (B.Sc. M.Sc. PhD): Postgradual specialist training.
Name Organisation/ University: University of Physical Education
Address: Alkotás u. 44., Budapest, Hungary H-1123
Country: Hungary
Organizational aspects
Number of spots: 45
Costs/ tuition fee: 800 € per semester
Start of the program: Sept 15th
Application deadline: Aug 31st
Language of tuition: Hungarian
Admittance of foreign students: yes
Study duration/Workload (ECTS): 4 semesters (2 years), 120 Credit Points, 580 Workload hours
Study structure/mode: two days per week (Fridays and Saturdays) (changes per semester)
Practical internship (yes/no): Yes
Formal supervision (yes/no): Yes
Additional aspects
Target group and Study focus:
Target group is those person who have accomplished the Psychology M.Sc. degree. Focus of the study is highly applied: provides knowledge and foundational practical skills necessary to pursue careers sport psychology practice.
What to do afterwards, jobs perspectives:
In Hungary there is an increasing interest toward sport psychologists including federations, sport clubs, and individual sessions. In Hungary most of sport psychologist are freelancers with or without a full time employment (eg. as a lecturer in any university).
Entry Requirements:
Psychology M.Sc. degree