Growing Time
for (new) practitioners
​Rationale and Aims
Growing Time is a new activitiy held by the applied department in order to disucss topics/ideas/issues that applied sport psychologists are concerned with
Hence, it is meant to be a safe space for practitioners and future practitioners to discuss all topics/ideas/issues that are not covered in any other activity
Growing Time is an open exchange forum in which participants provide the topics/ideas/issues they are facing in their life as (new) practitioner
For this activity, there is no experience as a practitioner needed: we particularly encourage students who are becoming applied sport psychologists to attend and ask all the questions they struggle with
This activity will be held online every couple of months
The process of Growing Time
Once you have registered for Growing Time you will get information on the next session as soon as the dates are set
Within the e-mail, you will receive a form where you can share any topics, ideas, questions or issues that you have and would like to discuss during the meeting
Depending on the amount of topics, we will decide on one or two topics for the meeting
If there are more topics, we have the possibility of opening another room to ensure that every important topic is dicussed
How is Growing Time going to look like?
It is all on you - YOU decide and create the process of Growing Time
Growing Time depends on:
your mindset to participate, open up, share and discuss topics